Free DVD for Book Owners

The following provides a preview of the award-winning DVD series entitled Know Your Options, The Medical Series. These DVDs are available at, and other select online retail outlets.

Each DVD retails for $89.55 and can be purchased separately or in a full set consisting of the 5 available DVDs. However, as our way of thanking you for purchasing The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away, we are offering you any one of the 6 currently available DVDs to show you our appreciation.

Please choose any one of the 5 available DVD titles in the Know Your Options, The Medical Series collection and we will ship it to you within 72 hours. All you do is pay a few dollars for shipping and handling.

Simply add a DVD to your shopping cart, then use the Coupon Code : BOOKFREEDVD at checkout.

In return, all we ask is that if you found the information in The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away to be valuable and empowering, “pay it forward” and tell others your experience with the book. Be the hero and direct them to the gift of health and longevity.